Ireland's SPECTACULAR Primary School Music Event
The Big Sing is an inclusive celebration of joyous music. The show is centred around the children themselves performing all together and provides an opportunity for primary school children age 8-12 to perform in the National Stadium, alongside celebrity performers and young cultural leaders. The show aims to provide a platform for children, who may not otherwise have experienced the joy of performing in front of a live audience in a large professional venue.
Registration for THE BIG SING 2024
opens on June 6th 2023
Open to ALL schools

The Big Sing RETURNS to
the National Stadium, Dublin
April 15th - 19th 2024
The programme is secular with a non-denominational focus, celebrating diversity of all kinds. It is also based on Ireland today - Eire Innui - drawing from popular music, family Disney hits, as well as ceoil as Gaeilge, alongside a chosen focus on other musical heritage. The show is non-narrative in its nature, therefore more inclusive for non-English speaking family members.
A Celebration of Diversity, Culture and the Sheer Joy of Music


In January, digital music packs are sent out containing LYRICS, SING - ALONG
REHEARSAL TRACKS, PERFORMANCE TRACKS & VIDEO UPDATES from Conductors Sean Gilligan and Niamh Walsh
€5 per student to sign up to The Big Sing
Once the sign up fee is paid, places are locked and guaranteed
Any school can sign up to perform and all primary school students from
second to sixth class are eligible.